Canadian Passenger Rights

Air Passenger Protection Regulations

The Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR) provide requirements for carriers regarding standards of treatment, communication obligations, and compensation in certain instances when your flight is delayed, cancelled, delayed on the tarmac, or if you are denied boarding. The APPR also outline compensation requirements for lost baggage and guidelines for travelling with musical instruments and family seating when travelling on a small airline.

In certain circumstances, you may be entitled to certain standards of care and compensation under the APPR. For more information about your passenger rights, see our updated tariffs and conditions of carriage, read the full tariff below, or visit Canadian Transportation Agency.

  • Reserving Travel
  • At the terminal and in the aircraft
  • How do I apply
  • Travel within Canada
  • Travel to the United States
  • What happens next
  • If you wish to travel with your service dog, you must complete the required documentation and submit to the Customer Contact Centre at least 48 hours prior to departure. Note that we will make a reasonable effort to accommodate requests made within 48 hours.


  • By asking your service dog’s size, weight, and other characteristics, we will assess the space requirements for your service dog

Air Passenger Protection – Know Your Rights

If you are denied boarding, your flight is cancelled or delayed at least two hours, or if your baggage is lost or damaged, you may be entitled to certain standards of treatment and compensation under the Air Passenger Protection Regulations.

Air carriers also publish their tariffs on their websites. The tariff set out terms and conditions of carriage that apply to your travel. You may view these documents online or ask your carrier for a copy.

For more information about your passenger rights, please contact your air carrier, or visit the Canadian Transportation Agency’s website.

Protection des Passagers Aériens – Connaissez Vos Droits

Si l’embarquement vous est refusé, ou si votre vol est annulé ou retardé d’au moins deux heures ou si vos bagages sont perdus ou endommagés, vous pourriez avoir droit au titre du Règlement sur la protection des passagers aériens, à certains avantages au titre des normes de traitement applicables et à une indemnité.

Les transporteurs aériens publient également leurs tarifs sur leurs sites Web. Il s’y trouve des conditions de transport importantes qui s’appliquent à votre voyage. Vous pouvez consulter ces documents en ligne ou en demander une copie à votre transporteur.

Pour de plus amples renseignements sur vos droits, veuillez communiquer avec votre transporteur aérien ou visiter le site Web de l’Office des transports du Canada.

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries regarding the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR), please contact us.

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